Happy New Year! Here's to another fun year of music that celebrates and focuses on Jesus Christ! I hope you find this resource helpful! I'll update as the year progresses.
You can also look at my 2023 and 2022 calendars for ideas, as well as my full list of music I've used in our ward for choir and musical numbers.
1st Sunday: (Fast Sunday)
2nd Sunday:
Musical number - piano solo " "In Humility Our Savior & Jesus Once of Humble Birth" arranged by Danielle Isaacson
3rd Sunday:
Musical number - the kids who are turning 8 this year singing "Baptism Medley" that I arranged - I'll share soon!
4th Sunday:
Choir number - "Be Still My Soul" arranged by Brent Jorgensen in the Hymnplicity Book #2
1st Sunday: (Fast Sunday)
2nd Sunday:
Musical number - The new YW/YM singing "Teach Me About the Temple"
3rd Sunday:
Congregational Hymn - "I Love to See the Temple"
4th Sunday:
Choir number - "On This Day of Joy And Gladness" arranged by Michael Bailey
1st Sunday: (Fast Sunday)
2nd Sunday:
Musical number - soloist
3rd Sunday:
Musical number - Primary singing Easter song
4th Sunday:
Choir numbers - "Testimony" T. Chemain Evans & "Come Unto Christ" by Sally Deford
5th Sunday: (Easter - Fast Sunday)
1st Sunday: (General Confernece)
2nd Sunday: (Our Stake Conference)
3rd Sunday:
Musical Number - small group "Did You Think to Pray"
4th Sunday:
Choir number - "Come Unto Jesus" arranged by Brent Jorgensen in the Hymnplicity Book #2
1st Sunday: (Fast Sunday)
2nd Sunday:
Mother's Day - Primary Singing
3rd Sunday:
Choir number - "Jesus, Savior, Pilot Me" arranged by Heidi T Christensen
4th Sunday:
Congregational Hymn - "When I Am Baptized"
1st Sunday: (Fast Sunday)
2nd Sunday:
Father's Day - Primary Singing
3rd Sunday:
Musical Number -
4th Sunday:
Choir number - "Redeemer of Israel" arranged by Brent Jorgensen in the Hymnplicity Book #5
5th Sunday:
Musical Number -
1st Sunday: (Fast Sunday)
2nd Sunday:
Musical Number - YW
3rd Sunday:
Musical Number - YM
4th Sunday:
Choir number - "Come Come Ye Saints" arranged by Brent Jorgensen in the Hymnplicity Book #5
1st Sunday: (Fast Sunday)
2nd Sunday:
Musical Number -
3rd Sunday:
Musical Number -
4th Sunday:
Choir number - "More Holiness Give Me" arranged by Brent Jorgensen in the Hymnplicity Book #1
1st Sunday: (Fast Sunday)
2nd Sunday:
Musical Number -
3rd Sunday:
Musical Number -
4th Sunday:
Choir number - "Praise to the Lord, the Almighty" arranged by Rachel P Mohlman
5th Sunday: ( Fast Sunday)
1st Sunday: (General Conference)
2nd Sunday:
Musical Number -
3rd Sunday:
Musical Number -
4th Sunday:
Choir number - "Where Love Is" arranged by Brent Jorgensen in the Hymnplicity Book #1
1st Sunday: (Fast Sunday)
2nd Sunday:
Musical Number -
3rd Sunday: (Stake Conference)
4th Sunday:
Choir number - "Prayer of Thanksgiving" arranged by Brent Jorgensen in the Hymnplicity Book Thanksgiving
1st Sunday: (Fast Sunday)
2nd Sunday:
Musical Number -
3rd Sunday:
Musical Number - Primary Christmas Song
4th Sunday:
Christmas Program
Choir - "Picture a Christmas Medley" arranged by Brent Jorgensen
Musical Number - TBD
Choir - "Away in a Manger" arranged by Brent Jorgensen in the Hymnplicity Book Christmas #1
Musical Number - TBD
Choir - TBD
5th Sunday:
Congregational Hymn -