Meet Marci
Thanks so much for visiting my site! My name is Marci, with an "i" and I live in the grand old state of Utah with my husband and four kids.
Have you heard that Jim Gaffigan line where he's like, "You know what it's like to have five kids? Imagine you're drowning. And someone hands you a baby." That's my life right there...except I only have four kids. Whom I love. But I have a completely normal crazy-mom-life running around and taking care of my crew.
Our home always has some sort of music happening: singing, piano, drums, guitars, ukuleles, cello, choir practice...or the radio is on! Music has always been a part of my life and it seems to always a find a way to keep being in there :)
I also have a passion for humanitarian work and part of my heart lives in Guatemala. My husband and I love serving together there with the organization Humanitize Expeditions on their medical teams. We run a small exchange library with them and love the opportunities to meet and help the beautiful people that live in Guatemala. I am also the Director at The Angel Gowns Project which has a two-fold mission to use donated wedding dresses to create burial gowns for little Angel Babies and to also provide education and income opportunities for women in Guatemala.
If you don't find me playing the piano or working on Angel Gowns, I'm probably cuddled up with a book or planning the next adventure for my family.