Happy Sunday! We're one week away from General Conference and I can't wait! I feel like I reeeeeeeaaaaallllllyyyyy need it. I am praying to feel peace, hope, and a reminder of God's love while I listen to conference. Sometimes with all the chaos we just need that :)
But. I'm here today to talk coloring. Because coloring is awesome :)
We've been trying to find new ways to connect with our kiddos since finishing up our Summer of Songs Primary Challenge in August. This idea came from one of our friends at a Moms-Need-A-Break-Night-Out and we thought it sounded so fun! So we went for it!
The flier to the right is the information for the Coloring Contest that we emailed to the families in our Ward. Also included in the email was an attachment with 8 coloring pictures, all of which are tied to a primary song (of course!) You can find those coloring pages here.
So basically, families can print a page or pages for their kiddos to color while watching Conference. Then they can walk over to the church and tape them up in a designated spot sometime during that weekend. We will leave the beautiful artwork up for a few days so that Ward members can also go and see the pictures.
After we take down the pictures, we will visit the kiddos so that we can return their picture along with a simple treat or trinket. This will also provide a great opportunity to minister to individual kiddos for a reminder that they are loved.
See? Yay for coloring!!!
(And FYI, the flier was made on Canva which can be used for free. It is called the "Yellow Crayon Illustration" if you want to make your own individualized flier on their site or app!)