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Primary Popsicle Parade

This activity was SO FUN! And really so easy to put together!

Basically, we decorated a truck, turned on some fun primary songs that someone made sound like ice cream truck music, and took to the streets!!!!! But in a very organized manner :)

Here is the flier we gave to every family in our neighborhood:

On the back we had a map of our neighborhood with a parade route drawn in so families knew where we would be going.

Then we all walked by the truck (music leaders and primary presidency) with our masks and gloves, and tossed popsicles and candy to the kiddos as we went by their homes. Our bishop and his wife also followed behind us giving out some candy as well.

We had SO many kids and their families come out, just waiting on their front lawns for us to come by! We also met a lot of new families that have moved in since COVID and it was great to see them.

So. Much. Fun.

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